THE SPIRIT OF WATER | Video Installation

Video Installation

Dornbacht is a high profile German architectural design brand. Every year they are present at various trade shows, always creating high quality experiences for customers and visitors.

We were asked to create content showing it feels to use the „Ambience Tuning Technique“ Shower System of Dornbacht in a video installation which can be used at various trade show booths.

Our aim was to create beautiful video pieces that demonstrate the relationship between body, water and spirit. We utilized high-speed camera work and a 360-degree time slice rig to bring to life the poetic and sensual feeling that invites for further exploration.

Executive Producer: Yves Peitzner
Director: Daniel Askill
Creative Agency Meiré und Meiré
Service Production: Collider



Music: MICHAEL ASKILL Production: Brainstormclub