FLUX | Interactive Audiovisual Installation

Interactive Visual Installation

Lassen Sie Ihr Publikum durch digitale Erlebnisse an Ihrer Welt teilhaben. Wir bauen interaktive Installationen für Messen, Events und im öffentlichen Raum.

The trade show INHORGENTA MUNICH is one of the world’s largest and most famous jewelry fairs. As part of its rebranding efforts, the company wanted to establish itself as a modern and innovative brand.

We were asked to create an immersive and interactive installation that would allow the visitors to the fair to explore the brand in a nontraditional way.

We created a site-specific installation which invited the audience to dive into the world of the jewelry fair and interact with gemstone-like objects. We used the Microsoft Kinect camera to track the movement of people standing in front of the large screen, which then influenced the animation. This way we let people create their own experience and contribute to what others are seeing at the same time.

Created by: Studio TISH
Creative coding: John Carpenter & Justin Shrake
Documentation: Wolfgang Stahl

interactive installation with video projection mapping. Interaktive Installationen und Erlebnisse
interactive installation with video projection. an immersive experience
A visitor interacts with an art installation. Interaktive Installationen und Erlebnisse
Two people in front of an interactive installation. Interaktive Installationen und Erlebnisse