INFINITE REFLECTIONS | Multimedia Jewelry Exhibition
TUNNEL OF SENTIENT LIGHT | AI Driven Light Art Sculpture
FROM DUSK TIL DAWN | Light Art Sculpture
BIOVOLT | Interactive Light Scultpure
GARDEN OF FORKING PATHS | AI Driven Light Art Sculpture
LIGHT FOREST | Interactive Light Installation
THE GIVING TREE | Public Interactive Audiovisual Installation
SKY | Video Installation
COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE | Interactive Data Painting
RESONANCE | Interactive Audiovisual Installation
BENEFIT COSMETICS | Interactive Retail Installations
VANISHING PLACES | Interactive Audiovisual Art Installation
DIGITAL ECHO | Interactive Light & Sound Art Installation
SPORT SCHUSTER | Interactive Retail Installation
FLUX | Interactive Audiovisual Installation
DISTORTED VANITY | Interactive Audiovisual Performance
THE SPIRIT OF WATER | Video Installation